679 Wire

Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuits

We at AVE Electric are your Hudson Valley dedicate circuits specialists. Most new homes are wired to handle almost all of your electrical needs, but certain appliances use too much energy to be connected to just any circuit. Washers and dryers, microwaves, window air conditioners, flat screen T.V.s, spas or pools, and jacuzzis all need dedicated circuits in order to work properly. If you think that one of your appliances needs a dedicated circuit give us a call at 845-679-9473.

Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuit Installation

Our electricians are the ones you need for all of your Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuit Installation needs. We can install your dedicated circuits at a reasonable rate and save you the headache of malfunctioning appliances. Give us a call for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced electricians to solve your Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuits needs such as:

  • GFCI certification for pool lights
  • GFCI protected box pool heaters
  • pool and spa pumps
  • pool lights
  • saunas
  • 120V and 240V dedicated lines

Dedicated Circuit Repair in Hudson Valley

If your home already has dedicated circuits, but your appliances are still acting up then give us a call. We have 30 years of experience at dedicated circuit repair in Hudson Valley and one of our knowledgeable electricians can help. When you book with one of our electricians, you can be sure that the job will be done right the first time by an experienced professional. Let us at AVE Electric be you Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuits pro.

Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuit Replacement

If a dedicated circuit in your home or business is beyond repair one of our electricians can replace the circuit for you. Our electricians have years of experience and should be your go-to for Hudson Valley dedicated circuit replacement. Electrical work for your home or business isn’t where you should cut corners. Let one of our experienced electricians help and you can be sure that your home or business is safe.

Hudson Valley Dedicated Circuit Maintenance

With Years of experience, our electricians will give you the best solutions for your outdoor or indoor specialty dedicated circuits. Whether you need new dedicated circuits installed, or old ones repaired or replaced, we can help. Give us a call today at 845-679-9473 so we can start helping you fast!

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